There are so many different types of trees in the world, with every single one just waiting to be drawn. Some are tall and green, some are small and brown. Either way, they have a special beauty that deserves to be captured with some colored pencils or some paint.

With some trees that have been around for hundreds of years and some mere saplings, there's no limit to the types of plants you can draw.

How To Draw A Winter Tree

The Winter Tree is a fond favorite of many people and has been drawn by many people over the years, but we know that it's easier said than done. The hardest part of drawing trees and other forms of nature can often be knowing where to start.

Follow our guide to find out how to start, how to finish, and all the colors you should be using in between.

What Is A Winter Tree?

Winter Trees are those beautiful hardy trees that grow during the coldest months of the year. They thrive in the snow-covered ground and may look like little white Christmas trees when the snow begins to melt off.

These trees are very popular because they don't require much water and they create an amazing atmosphere with their evergreen foliage and their unique shape.

Drawing these trees isn't difficult at all, as long as you understand what makes them so interesting.

A lot of the time, this will come down to experience. You'll learn more about the subject through practice and experimentation rather than by reading about it.

Step One – Start With The Trunk

Many people will start drawing their trees with the bulk of the plant. The trunk is easily the largest part of the tree and is a great place to start.

It creates the base of your tree and without it, your entire drawing would collapse. You need a solid start to your drawing and this is the way to do it.

Start by sketching out the main curves of your trunk. It doesn't matter if it looks too simple, you're only trying to get your head around the shape. If you want to make things more challenging, try adding a few branches to your trunk.

Once you've got the basic shape down, you can then add details to the tree such as textures and added features. Winter trees have a fairly thick base and will need this to be highlighted.

Step Two – Add Your Branches

Once you've sketched out the trunk, now you can turn your attention to the rest of the tree.

This step can take quite a while, depending on how complex your tree is going to be. Try not to rush yourself here. Take your time to enjoy the process of creating something new.

You might even consider taking some photos along the way to remind yourself of what you're doing.

You might notice that many winter trees have a lot of branches growing out from both sides of the trunk. This is intentional. By making the tree symmetrical, you can use it as a reference point for your composition.

In fact, symmetry is almost always used to help create a balance between objects in a picture. But remember, not everything in nature is symmetrical and some uniqueness can be good!

The best thing to do when creating a winter tree is to think about the direction of growth. Wherever possible, try to keep the same direction. If you decide to go against this rule, you'll end up having to draw your leaves differently on either side of the tree.

Step Three – Will It Have Leaves?

The Winter Tree will have leaves throughout the warmer months, such as spring and summer before the leaves become brown and start to fall from the structure.

Deciding on what time of year you want your drawing to be in will have a huge influence on the content of the drawing.

The number of leaves and their colors will be determined by the season of your choice. We'll discuss another feature of your drawing that will be affected in the next point.

Step Four – Background Features

Depending on what season your picture will be in, you can choose whether to go with a fiery autumnal afternoon or a pure and bright winter morning. Whichever you choose will greatly affect the colors and the shades of the picture.

Of course, if you want to add some color to your picture, then snow can be a great way of making the tree stand out from the rest of the drawing.

On top of this, the color of the sky can combine beautifully with the brown of the tree and the colors of the leaves, making your picture complete.

Step Five – Extra Features

One extra feature that you might want to include is wildlife. Whether they are birds or animals, there's no reason why we cannot incorporate them into our drawings.

Rabbits and foxes are often seen throughout the winter months, with robins being the perfect bird, to sum up, the wintery tones of your tree and its symbolism.

If you're looking at a winter landscape, you should also look at the ground below your tree.

Depending on where the sun is shining, the shadows of the tree can create interesting patterns on the ground which may provide additional elements to your picture.

Combine this with a bright and shining sun, and you have yourself a well-balanced and finished drawing of a winter tree!

Final Thoughts

As you can see, drawing a Winter Tree is easier than drawing a summer one. However, don't worry too much about it; when it comes to creating a piece of art, there is never any "right" answer.

Just make sure that whatever style you choose to go with fits within the context of the image that you are trying to create. Also, be mindful of the seasons to get the most accurate representation of your subject matter.

At the end of the day, as long as you're having fun and being creative there is no wrong interpretation of what you're creating.

We hope that our guide has been useful and will help you toward making your first drawing creation of a Winter Tree.